Transform SAP 23

Frequently Asked Questions

Our expert team of SMEs across our SAP solution division conducts the videos.

Unfortunately, we do not offer a means to download the video, but you can always access it from your account.

Yes, we are working on that, and the video trails will be available shortly.

We are sorry to say that purchased videos cannot be refunded.

We have begun with Manufacturing and plan to extend to Sales, Finance, and Supply Chain across the core S/4.

Yes, we have dedicated time for Q&As during the live event.

Please follow up with Stripe, our online Payment Gateway.

No, we limit access to a single participant. However, there is always an option to view the video anytime later.

No, we host and store them using Go To Webinar- integrated into our website.

Please access the contact form on the website; we will gladly help you with that.

If a technical issue affects the event, we will reschedule the event and inform you accordingly.