Transform SAP 23

BJK – Production Subcontracting – External Processing


The Fit-to-Standard workshop on BJK (Production Subcontracting – External Processing) is relevant in scenarios of subcontracting a production order to external manufacturers. This is in cases where there are challenges in handling manufacturing capacity volumes. The workshop covers the entire lifecycle of sub-contracting, right from creating a purchase requisition to posting the payment to an external entity.

Learn how to execute the production process externally, based on the system alerts which identify specific routing and work center operations that need external processing. Explore the process of creating an external purchase requisition and the transfer of Work-in-Progress (WIP) Materials to an external subcontractor. Have your queries answered by our Subject Matter Expert in this exclusive live workshop, designed to help you leverage BJK for a seamless production activity with an external business entity

BJK – Production Subcontracting – External Processing